The following details my personal project management skills and experience. These are available to assist your projects to completion. When you engage with Steele Project Management we will ensure that you receive leading industry project management from me or one of my project managers.

A passion for Project Management with a demonstrated understanding of Project Management principals
Exhibit strong leadership and staff management qualities
Experienced in managing complex construction projects
Communicate clearly with the work force, engineers, clients, subcontractors, and key stakeholders
Skilled in risk identification, appropriate controls, health, safety and environmental implementation
Promotes work management processes utilising ‘lean’ and ‘Agile’ management principals

November 2022
Since November 2022 I have been working with Tauranga City Council to bring in house maintenance contracts. This started as the Transition Manager where I successfully delivered the creation of a new maintenance team with 60 new FTE’s, $5mil worth of new plant and equipment, 2 new depots, a full HSE system as a maintenance business and a new Field Mobile IT solution for job management. I then took on the role of leading the division in July 2023 and have successfully managed the first year of operation whilst completing a further transition of two additional contracts. The City Operations division is currently 105 FTE's and is delivery beter maintenance outcomes for our community.

2019Â - 2022
as Contract Manager of this $17M pa contract encompasses the 3 Waters reticulation maintenance, meter reading, backflow testing, planned and routine maintenance and 24/7 network fault resolution across the city of Tauranga.
In the last 12 months I played an integral part in winning the retender of the Tauranga maintenance contract including the new area for Western Bay District Council. This is a $170mil 10 year opportunity that required a full tender submission, contract negotiations, contract transition and implementation.
I have now successfully grown the contract from $8M pa and 38 FTE resources to $17M with 80 FTE resources.
As Contract Manager I have successfully completed a restructure to reduce overhead costs and increase the capability of the team’s ability to deliver this Contract. Implemented a financial reporting system which shows the true costs of jobs, providing better performance analysis, submission of variations and improved efficiencies.
Utilising my experience in Project Management I started a new capital works construction division to deliver major capital works for the first time through the maintenance contract. Delivering over $10M of revenue in two years.
In 2021 I submitted a paper to Water NZ on how we grew our contract through looking after our team and provided career opportunities. See the following link from the COVID affected online presentation and the NZ Contractor magazine article:

July 2019
As Project Manager I delivered a $4M emergency project on the Taupo Lakefront rapidly under less than ideal conditions.
On 2 July 2019 a burst water main on Lake Terrace created a washout, collapsing part of a footpath and taking out the 675mm concrete trunk sewer resulting in approximately 800 cubic metres of sewage entering the lake and head of the Waikato River.
This project was completed as an emergency project and the design and construction was completed concurrently. This enabled the design and engineer sign off of works as it was completed. To do this the construction, design and client had to work very collaboratively.
The project was awarded practical completion on 14 November 2019 with the key milestone of road opening on 24 September 2019, only three months after the start of construction.
We reinstated the damaged services as far as possible from the lakefront. This included the following:
​Construction (Sewer)
Installation of a new 120 metre, 675mm concrete sewer main through the centre of Lake Terrace at a grade of 4%.
This included a 2500mm man hole, cut out and installed over a live sew main to enable a fixed start point of the new line. This was later reinforced and cut into the sewer main.
​Construction (Storm Water)
Two 1500mm manholes and a 1050 riser put onto the existing sewer main.
Throughout this installation we were over pumping 300l per second of sewer in a 24/7 fully manned operation.
Two new stormwater manholes were installed one 1500 and the other a 1050.
40m installation of 600mm RCRRJ pipe and 15m of 400mm RCRRJ pipe.
This new ‘T’ connection was into a new downstream defender unit with a 710mm PE pipe installed under the live sewer main.
The new Downstream Defence Unit consisted of a 10m deep by 3000mm weir chamber and a Hynds DN2550 Defender chamber connection.
There was also a 30m 600mm RCRRJ pipeline installed to a new 1050mm man hole outfall chamber.
While the storm water was being installed the catchment area was blocked off and we had a manned over pumping set up to deal with 10,000l per second potential storm water flow.
Construction (Water)
We installed a 650m-long 350mm PE water main. This was installed using 600m worth of Horizontal Directional Drilling and 50m of open cut.
This included installing connection sluce valves DN300, lateral mechanical connections, air valves and a final connection into an existing magflow chamber.
Civil Construction
The washout had additionally caused a major slip on the nearby cliff face. We carried out works to make the area safe and stabilise and rebuild the 4,500m3 MSE wall.
Finally, our team successfully reinstated the road back to its original layout, resurfacing 1200 m2 of road.

Aug 2015 - Join 2016
Description – Replace the existing two 22/11kV 12MVA transformers at the Onehunga substation and install a new 11kV switchboard whilst maintaining the network security and quality of supply in the area. The existing Switchroom and Transformer bays were modified to accommodate this upgrade. Concurrently there were new LVAC panel, Split Ventilation system, Fire & Security system, 110V DC Charger panel, battery banks, SAS panel, and remote end protection.
Result – The project was completed within the contract timeframe, with no major safety incidents, at the tendered EBIT margin and with a happy client. The key result was work management process implemented developed using ‘Lean’ management principals. The purpose of the work management procedure was to use a visual and interactive approach to planning and monitoring the work to be completed on the project.
I wrote two articles on this project which provide additional information on the scope and the lean work management principals:

Aug 2016 - Feb 2017
Description – This project was to install and commission two new Hyosung three phase Transformer rated at 40 MVA into the WKM T3 and MTI T9. The existing T3 transformer bank at Whakamaru comprised of three single phase Ferranti units rated at 27.77 MVA. The new Transformer required the foundations to modification to accommodate the new three phase unit. This works includes the Removal and storage of the Ferranti transformers (3 x single phase units), Preparation of T3 foundation, Installation and commissioning of a new transformer. The Maraetai T9 installation required the upgrade of 11kV generator cables, Installation and Commissioning of the new Transformer.
Result – The successful completion of this project has lead onto three more similar projects to be awarded to Broadspectrum in a sole source agreement.
Background Details
Oct 2019 to April 2022
BOP Water Contract Manager
This role encompasses my existing role of Water Contract Manager for the Tauranga and Western Bay 3 Waters Maintenance Contract and in addition the Taupo 3 Waters Maintenance Contract. Within these contracts I was responsible for three clients, over 120 staff and $20mil worth of Revenue.
These contracts encompass the 3 Waters reticulation maintenance, meter reading, backflow testing, planned and routine maintenance and 24/7 network fault resolution across the city of Tauranga and Taupo.
I played an integral part in winning the retender of the Tauranga maintenance contract including the new area for Western Bay District Council.
This is a $170mil 10 year opportunity that required a full tender submission, contract negotiations, contract transition and implementation.Â
Utilising my experience in Project Management I started  a new capital works construction division to deliver major capital works for the first time through the maintenance contract. Delivering over $10M of revenue in two years.
Aug 2018Â - Sept 2019
Tauranga Water Contract Manager
Managing the TCC 3 Waters Maintenance contract. I was able to grow the contract and improve the contract:
•      increase staff levels from 32 to 56 plus a 6 person construction division
•      increasing our completed jobs by 30% from the previous contract high.
•      Increasing our revenue by 28% and by 64% in water alone
•      Improved the service level KPI performance from 93% to 98%
•      Increased staff retention stats from 60% in 2018 to 90% in 2021
Sept 2017 to Aug 2018
Project Manager
As Project Manager I was responsible for the procurement of materials, coordination of all resources, client relationship, subcontractors, and financial management.
I successfully delivered a range of overhead line and underground high voltage projects on the Powerco Power Network. All the projects were delivered within their respective programmes and budgets.
I also coordinated the Downer Powerco Eastern Regions resource delivery plan, implementing weekly Tauranga Projects Reports which dramatically improved Downer’s relationship with the client and the Tauranga delivery team.
Nov 2014 to Sept 2017
Project Manager
Over my three years with Broadspectrum I was fully responsible for the end-to-end delivery of multiple concurrent projects and the resources required for delivery.
Projects included the $1.8M Onehunga 11kV Switchboard and Transformer Replacement for Vector where two existing 22/11kV transformers were replaced, plus the installation of a new 11kV switchboard whilst maintaining network security and quality of supply to the area.
I was the Project Manager on the $1.1M Lichfield HV Upgrade for Vector which was part of a $400M expansion of the Lichfield Dairy Factory. The project involved all electrical works associated with the 11kV network and auxiliary systems upgrade, including installation, testing and commissioning. Works were performed over multiple construction sites, requiring efficient project management and attention to detail.
In my role as a Project Controller I was responsible for implementing, maintaining and delivering Project Controls to support the successful delivery of projects by the Powercor Network Services, National Projects Delivery Team. The activities performed include but are not limited to:
Project performance, profitability and reporting
Work Schedules and work programs
Information Systems.
Contract Management
Quality Management
Dec 2009 - Nov 2012
AMI Field Coordinator
My position for Powercor was as a Field Coordinator for the AMI smart meter roll out in Victoria. I was responsible for the coordination of external contractors employed to conduct AMI field installation activities, as well as engaging with internal stakeholders to deploy specialist internal resources as required.
Implementation of an Out Bound Call Centre to solve a major issue with the commercial customer segment. The implementation consisted of coordinating of a number of trials, documenting operational work instructions, a full trial review, and writing the business case to gain funding, estimated at over one million dollars
The creation of a performance tracking and resource forecasting model using MS Excel. This tool was used to analyse current installation performance, forecasting the required resources required to meet future targets, and forecasting installation results for accurate budget estimations.
A member of the Google earth steering committee, evaluating ideas and improvements to the newly developed Google earth application within CitiPower and Powercor